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Aatrox : Legends of Runeterra Card

Aatrox is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Runeterra region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Aatrox Card Card Artist: Kudos Productions Leveled Aatrox Card Leveled Up
Set 6
3,000 Shards
Attack: 5 Health: 5 Mana: 6

Card Text

Origin: The World Ender. Auto-Equip: The Darkin Blade. When I'm summoned or strike: Heal your Nexus 2 and create a World Ender in hand if you don't have one.

Flavor Text

Even across continents, Aatrox felt her awakening. How the hatred still burned. He had already broken her statues, now he could wage a final war against the Coward of Icathia, and through destroying her, end this pitiful existence.

Decks with Aatrox Card Discussion

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