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Ascended Nasus : Legends of Runeterra Card

Ascended Nasus is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Shurima region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Ascended Nasus Card Card Artist: SIXMOREVODKA
Set 4
Attack: 10 Health: 10 Mana: 6
Fearsome Can only be blocked by enemies with 3 or more Power.
SpellShield Negates the next enemy spell or skill that would affect me.
Missing Translation Missing Translation

Card Text

I have +1|+1 for each unit you've slain this game. Enemies have -3|-0.

Flavor Text

"His hope revived by Shurima's rise, Nasus finally returned after years spent wandering the desert, eager to make amends with his brother. He never suspected he would find Renekton maddened by years spent suffering at Xerath's hands in the tomb, waiting for him." - Scribe Kah'nir, History of the Ascended Host

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