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Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin : Legends of Runeterra Card

Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Noxus region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin Card Card Artist: Grafit Studio
Set 4
1,200 Shards
Attack: 5 Health: 12 Mana: 10
Overwhelm Excess damage I deal to my blocker is dealt to the enemy Nexus.

Card Text

Play: Revive the Strongest dead ally. Attack: Grant me Power equal to the total Power of all allies.

Flavor Text

A nameless aberration towered above them in the smoke-filled chamber. The mages chanted in discordant chorus, dread their voices reaching a strained, fevered pitch. The monster breathed deep of their mounting fear, and each breath brought it terrible power.

Decks with Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin Card Discussion

Want to try out the Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin with our Noxus decks.

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