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Daring Demolisher : Legends of Runeterra Card

Daring Demolisher is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Noxus region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Daring Demolisher Card Card Artist: Kudos Productions
Set 7
300 Shards
Attack: 3 Health: 1 Mana: 2
Plunder A card activates its plunder ability when played if you damaged the enemy Nexus this round.

Card Text

Play: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus or activate an ally's Plunder effect.

Flavor Text

“Being in the weapons business means having a healthy relationship with data. Concept, test, rebuild, modify: all that takes information. There’s nothing like a little field testing to create a healthy sample size, and a few craters!” - Lani

Decks with Daring Demolisher Card Discussion

Want to try out the Daring Demolisher card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Daring Demolisher with our Noxus decks.

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