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Giga Gromp : Legends of Runeterra Card

Giga Gromp is a Follower card in Legends of Runeterra from the Bandle City region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Giga Gromp Card Card Artist: Polar Engine
Set 5
Attack: 6 Health: 7 Mana: 5
Impact When this strikes while attacking, it deals 1 to the enemy Nexus. This keyword can stack.

Card Text

When I transform, deal 1 to all enemies.

Flavor Text

So, it turns out that poking Nakotak Valley gromps with a stick causes them to react very... expansively! If only those yordles had known this through extensive, generational testing. If. Only.

Decks with Giga Gromp Card Discussion

Want to try out the Giga Gromp card in a deck? We've got you covered! Learn how to play Giga Gromp with our Bandle City decks.

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