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Leveled Diana : Legends of Runeterra Card

Leveled Diana is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Targon region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Leveled Diana Card Card Artist: SIXMOREVODKA
Set 3
Attack: 3 Health: 3 Mana: 2
Quick Attack While attacking, strikes before its blocker.
Challenger Can choose which enemy unit blocks.
Nightfall Bonus if this is NOT the first card you play in a round.

Card Text

Nightfall or when you activate another Nightfall: Give me +2|+0 and Challenger this round.

Flavor Text

Diana raced down the mountain, sword drawn and coated with duskpetal dust. She knew Leona would find her--she was counting on it. Her heart fluttered with anxious anticipation, and she breathed deeply to still it. This time upon their meeting, she would have the upper hand; this time, she would face her old friend head-on.

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