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Leveled Taliyah : Legends of Runeterra Card

Leveled Taliyah is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Shurima region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Leveled Taliyah Card Card Artist: SIXMOREVODKA
Set 4
Attack: 4 Health: 6 Mana: 5
Attack Get this effect when this unit attacks.

Card Text

Play: Summon an exact copy of an allied landmark. Attack: I deal 2 damage to my blocker 3 times. If it's dead or gone, I deal 2 damage to the enemy Nexus instead.

Flavor Text

Taliyah left Ionia after hearing word of monumental change in her homeland. She returned to Shurima to find an emperor reborn, her people fraught, and the xer'sai more active than ever. She had no choice but to grow beyond her years.

Decks with Leveled Taliyah Card Discussion

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