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Runeterra Deck: EG Swim's Kinkou Elusives

By happyiskorea | Updated March 21st, 2020
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happyiskorea March 21st, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.03 Shard Cost: 18,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
Kinkou Elusives is an aggresive and fast-paced deck. The deck heavily utilizes early-game buffs and elusive cards to attack. Straight-forward and cheap deck.

This deck prioritizes ending the game quickly before any big cards are played that can threaten lethal or wipe board.

Very consistent deck as early game / mulligan allows for similar card draws. The deck is also very adaptable to fit any cards you like.

Combos in this deck include Kinkou Wayfinder to easily summon either Omen Hawk(s) to buff the upcoming cards and/or Navori Bladescout(s) to quickly attack.
Kinkou Wayfinder can easily buff Greenglade Duo if its Allegiance effect is met (34/40; favorable odds).

Jeweled Protector can buff key units like Zed for lethal threat or Kinkou Lifeblade for increased lifesteal.

Elixir of Iron and Twin Disciplines is used to keep your elusive units alive or clear an enemy unit.
Deny/Will of Ionia can help remove any threats the opposing player may have, so it's a good idea to have some mana spared and plan accordingly.

Navori Conspirator can be used to save units or replay them for their summon effects (namely Omen Hawk early game, Jeweled Protector.

Use cheap 1 mana cards to block damage, and prioritize saving elusive units.

Use Windfarer Hatchling for a large buff to your elusive units in play for lethal.

Use it before Elusives get nerfed ^^

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suzyiukim's Avatar
suzyiukim Posted: March 20th, 2020 | 9:55 PM
Very effective deck. Consistency is very important in any deck and most decks always seem to play different. This deck plays the same throughout which is great. Falls off late game against control decks and challenger decks, but overall a solid deck.

I recommend removing one Windfarer Hatchling for another card you like. I rarely see the need to use 3 in a game.
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