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Runeterra Deck: Wreck Yoself

By NinjaWithSpoons | Updated April 22nd, 2020
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NinjaWithSpoons April 22nd, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.83 Shard Cost: 20,400
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
The goal with this deck is to combo your self pings from Death Lotus, Transfusion, Crimson Awakener, and Vlad to buff your guys up and use their abilities. Vrynna and Might are the big win conditions here because they can often provide overwhelm damage over 10. We also have a good amount of reach with Vrynna, Disciple, Vlad or potential for a burst of power buffing and Might, so if you can get them low you will likely be able to finish them off with something.

I recently added the Elixir of Iron and its probably MVP in the deck, it counters so much for 1 mana and gives you a survival bonus on most units. If you are playing a deck like this, its a must have. I also added a might to finish. I had been in several race situations in which my opponent is able to constantly block big 9/2 type creatures and i miss out on potentially huge face damage.

A reckoning is a good consideration with this deck, but i feel like 2 is too many and 1 is too inconsistent. Its also very hard to cut a spell, they are all so valuable. And the deck is already borderline too many spells so cutting units is difficult too. So i passed on it.

Matchup Considerations:
This deck has had some problems against what seems to be prevalent in my bracket which is elusive.deck. I tried Blades Edge and Avalanche to handle it, but it just doesn't seem to work that well. Avalanche is just too hard to play around and blades edge is fine, but only kills a few of the elusives. Blade's edge remains in the deck for its wild amount of versatility and ability to kill GreenGlade Duo, although it doesn't help specifically against elusives as much as id hoped. We pretty much just have to race and win with the single might or Vrynnas for the overwhelm. double Death lotus can board wipe but its not very consistent. I also tried kindly tavernkeeper for nexus heal and synergy with self ping. But he seemed just too slow for his stats with what we want to do with this deck.

Will of Ionia is pretty strong against us because it removes all of our hard earned buffs. I think we just have to accept that and try not to put all of our eggs in one basket against Ionia decks.

Piltover&Zaun Nuke decks aren't that great because some of our creatures have high health, we have plenty of ways to save, and if we do we often get an extra damage survival bonus. however we have to be wary of pinging one unit too much and making him mystic shot bait if we don't have a way to save him.

We have good amount of tricks for Fiora Barrier deck. Death Lotus and blades edge counter barriers and our prevalence of high health creatures, and hp buffs make it hard for her to survive for 4 kills. We can also kill our own creatures in a pinch to steal the kill from her if thats what we gotta do.

Other than that this deck seems to have quick beat down, reach, and the ability to maintain card advantage with really strong combat tricks, Curator, and just beefy units. So far it seems to be pretty successful and consistent because there really arent specific cards that you need to combo, each one has several catalysts.

So give it a go! and good luck!

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Doctor26's Avatar
Doctor26 Posted: May 5th, 2020 | 2:07 AM
I add Braum
My russian hearts cant live without sronk boy
But deck is nice
hyzwar's Avatar
hyzwar Posted: April 24th, 2020 | 1:31 PM
love it - so cool :D
SaldaisCukurins's Avatar
SaldaisCukurins Posted: April 19th, 2020 | 2:22 PM
Man i onely registrated here to say this ! Your deck is soo fun and in same time strong and mostly you finish your oponent in 5th round this version of deck is probobly best vlad deck i realy enjoy it!
Grooby's Avatar
Grooby Posted: April 4th, 2020 | 3:59 AM
I just played a game against a P&Z nuke deck and I finished the guy off with a hit for 26 damage by Unscarred Reaver with Might... It was just as you expected :)
NinjaWithSpoons's Avatar
NinjaWithSpoons Posted: April 4th, 2020 | 8:33 PM
Thanks for trying it out mate! I do so enjoy powering through nukes from P&Z!

I am noticing that Braum, while he has apparent great synergy in this deck, is much too slow. I end up trying to combo him with aristocrat or takeheart and it just takes too much momentum to do that. One big problem is aristocrat is a 2 drop, but you dont want to play her before braum, so it always feels like a pickle. And in any case, a best scenario is i can kill a few smaller creatures with him. But the reality is I dont care about their creatures, i am happy to force them into chump blocking or trading. I pretty much never want to play braum when hes in hand.

Im trying Bloodsworn Pledge, Omen Hawk, and Tarkaz the Tribeless instead of Braum, Take Heart, aristocrat. As well as a few minor adjustments to card numbers. It seems more consistent and aggressive so far, and Tarkaz is great. hes so beefy for a 5 cost. Still testing before I make changes to the deck on here. Let me know what you think
Shadylishus's Avatar
Shadylishus Posted: April 15th, 2020 | 8:06 AM
Using the deck with your suggested changes has removed many of the issues that I was facing with Braum. As much as I love him, my experience so far without him has felt much more fluid, with a stronger build-up and maintenance of momentum through the earlier stages of a game.

I find that without Braum, I don't miss Take Heart as much as I thought I would. Bloodsworn Pledge has so far been much more versatile and consistent in keeping my units on the board, and without Braum I find less need for the immediate attack boost that Take Heart provided. I also like how significant Omen Hawk's buff feels when applied to any unit. My initial concern with Omen Hawk was its 1 health, but with Transfusion, I've found that it has worked well as either a sacrifice to keep another unit alive, or as the buff wielder to chump an enemy unit while also making use of the damage to activate a more important unit.

The very recent changes to Blood for Blood have me excited to try it, though I'm not very confident it will be worth dropping other cards to include it.

Overall I've been very impressed with this deck and with your proposed changes. I feel like I make impactful decisions in every game that I play, and the deck's natural versatility lends to a positive experience whether I win or lose. Thank you for putting it out there.
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