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Runeterra Deck: Best Aggro Deck 1.1

By XpDiablos | Updated May 14th, 2020
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XpDiablos May 14th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.65 Shard Cost: 22,800
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
This deck is the most powerfull aggro deck at all and I win most of my games with it so i share it you. :)

Why is this early deck stronger than the others ??
Because almost all cards are focused on dealing damage to the nexus so whatever your mulligan is, you can reach 20 dmg to the nexus before your opponent.

With this deck you want to Attack & deal damage to the nexus as often as possible with your low costs units and your spells.

Katarina's insane she allows you to delete one card with 1 hp or deals 1 hp to the nexus and then you can spam her to deal dmg to the nexus with Legion Saboteur & Boomcrew Rookie

Darius Pushes straight on in one turn so take care about opponent's spell when you throw him, you want him alive to attack.

Then Swain makes easy stuns on high units that allow you to go straight on nexus and finish.

I'll give you some tips that you need to know and then you should be happy with this new deck :D

*Try to use the Imperial Demolitionist on the Crimson disciple, it's often 4 free HP to the nexus*

*Use the Used Cask Salesman and the Legion grenadier on defense turn (most of time they makes good pressure the opponent)*

*Try to set up your attacks always 1 turn before so you when the attack rounds start you attack instantly to push hard the nexus*

*Old your Mystic Shots for the "late" game so you can finish the nexus or kill some boring units like zed..*

*Don't use the Insightful investigator too early*

I'm up for questions, HAVE FUN :D

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FiresFrost's Avatar
FiresFrost Posted: May 14th, 2020 | 2:56 AM
One of the few aggro decks with 3 different champion cards and one of them being Katarina, which is nice to see.

Just wanted to ask you one thing: why didn't you include Get Excited! in it? I've seen it on almost every aggro deck I've read at this site or faced while playing. It clearly fits in those decks and would also fit in this one.
XpDiablos's Avatar
XpDiablos Posted: May 14th, 2020 | 3:44 PM
Because if you draw this card on early turns you've to hold it for a long moment but you can put it 1 or maybe 2 times but 3 is too much
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