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Runeterra Deck: Big Crybaby Kills Everyting Then Dies

By Lotofago | Updated July 31st, 2021
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Lotofago July 31st, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.38 Shard Cost: 19,100
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Tl;dr: stall until you can set a board with a buffed Viego and Invasive Hydravine, then kill everything with unstoppable Encroaching Mists and a leveled up Viego.



This is (to my opinion) the standard and probably the most stable way until now to play Viego: this deck offers fragile but wide board presence in the early game, lifesteal with Darkwater Scourge, Deny/Nopeify, Death Mark for heavy units and brutal control and finishing power during late along the Viego/Invasive Hydravine package. This deck is essencialy the Tank Top Douche version (also known as MegaMogwai, check him here right here thank you very much with a little tweak from my part.

In early you want to take it slowly and play reactively for the most part: cards like Fading Icon and The Wings and The Wave will give you early presence if you need it while Vile Feast may be useful to eliminate weak but annoying early targets (it's still a ping so don't waste it because its a 2x not a 3x).

A flexible option in early is the Camavoran Soldier: in slower matches you can just play it to pump up Viego and future Mists while in faster matches you play it for the 2x1 bodies on board. The only card you want to put on board more proactively is the Greenglade Lookout because it can accelerate your deployment of either Viego or Hydravine; if you don't have any of them in hand and can't assure his survival for at least 1 strike don't overcommit.

Then you have the Darkwater Scourge: an ephemeral 5/5 for 3 its meh, if it has lifesteal it becomes interesting, but if you Death Mark him ONTO A HIGH PRIORITY TARGET or buff him with Twin Disciplines into an 8/x follower if you are running low on health can be just backbreaking for a lot of decks. Flexible card so consider if you really want to mulligan it.

For the stars of the deck, Viego and his snake plant thing: I personally prefer to play Invasive Hydravine first so it can pump up a little more Viego but specially the Encroaching Mists so when Viego enters on board he can: (1) be jacked af and (2) level up in a single turn. But to play it first and create one or two mist before going down is also a valid and efficient line of play. Your wincon is to find yourself in a turn 9 with a leveled up Viego, a board full of Mists and one Hydravine pumping up everything in the back.


-Agains mirror matches NEVER overcommit Death Mark: you mark the enemy Viego so he can dismark him with his own Death Mark unto you Viego/Hydravine, gg ****head. If you are going for it make sure you can back it up with Nopeify! or Deny.
-Sometimes you will have the upper hand and be ready to deploy your big units... only to find out you are already board full so everytime you would create an Encroaching Mist it will obliterate itself not even buffing anything. You have to multiply the presence of each Hydravine (and sometimes Viego) in play x2: its double the value but double the space. If you can't afford it go for suicidal charges/blocks or sacrifices with Glimpse Beyord and The Last Wind with whatever you have: the value here is the board space, not numbers that will get refreshed each turn with ephemeral units.
-Wacky scenario: you have an ephemeral in play, you play Viego, nothing dies on your turn. At round end the ephemeral will die, Viego will generate a Mist but it will count as one created in the turn that is passing while staying on board for the new turn, which also won't use the only chance Viego has each turn to create one. Idk if it's a bug or its designed that way: either way it can be scary to create a free mist or two Mist from a single Viego in a single turn.
-Syncopation is basically a 2 mana Atrocity if you opponent can't afford to block everything in your final swing - which will probably have two fearsomes attackers with Viego and Hydravine already. Not a recurrent scenario but one to have in mind.
-Some other ideas comes to mind but I already wrote enough and most people that begun reading this have already stopped lol, go ruin the days of some Azirelias for me ok bye

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