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Runeterra Deck: Combo Zed

By Dougadelic | Updated May 24th, 2021
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Dougadelic May 24th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.03 Shard Cost: 20,400
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Mana Cost

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


Card Types
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information

Dancing Droplet > Retreat > Zed (Turn 2)
Mobilize to Enable Retreat on Field Musician and Kinkou Wayfinder w/ Retreat
Concussive Palm > Retreat
Homecoming > Concussive Palm / Droplet
Field Musicians > Shadow of the Past / Zed / Kinkou Wayfinder

Card Tips

Shadows of the Past is a highly interactive card when played, and takes a while to get full efficiency out of it.
Board Positioning is KEY when you have a Field Musician, ALWAYS keep him on the farthest right when blocking or on the bench, since shadow of the past recalls from left to right
When you play Shows of the Past it is important to know that the recall effect stops once your hand is full, you are very prone to overdrawing if you position Dancing Droplets incorrectly, this is also important to remember when you have a Greenglade duo, since if you have it on the farthest right of the board with a semi-full hand she will grow to be HUGE.

Field Musician and Dancing Droplets Attune effect allows you keep your spell mana up, so when enabling your Field Musicians effect of summon 3 to refill spell mana and draw a card, you should ALWAYS consider using spells before triggering said text effect. Sometimes doing this can allows opponents to interact or interrupt your combo and delay a strong attacking turn, so it you should be familiar with your opponents decklist.

Reasons for Cards

The reason I have 2x copies of Mobilize is because it enables potential for setting up with a wide and strong defensible board by enable combos with field musicians and Wayfinder while still maintaining spellmana to use interactive spells. 3x copies of Mobilize made me over draw the card in bad scenarios and interrupted Kinkou Wayfinder's allegiance effect. The reason I ran 2x copies of Relentless Pursuit is it allows for forced levels on Zed, and huge unexpected attacks with developed boards right after field musician combo. 3x copies was redundant as well.
The reason for 2x Copies of Deny, Nopeify!, and Homecoming is for better flexibility in match-ups, Some deck architypes can't be stopped with just a 3x copy set of Deny / Nopeify!, and without Homecoming the Deck has no removal for Landmarks. (You could run 3x of any depending on the meta decks).

Possible Deck Includes

A card that I have thought of including is rangers resolve for to prevent board clear and enable better trades into Azir Irelia, but I've found that I lose that matchup if they have good openers anyways, so I chose not to include it.
I've tried one/two off copies of syncopation/sown seeds for better attacks but it more often then not is a dead draw / bad mulligan.
Death Mark is too situational and sits in the hand too long, but maybe you could make a version of this deck that includes Silent Shadowseer.
And Shadow Shift has the potential to be a very strong card in this deck for aggressive trades early on.
Jeweled Protector was also considered but can sit in your hand too long, or is just a slower/weaker play compared to Field Musicians and Kinkou Wayfinder.

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Ypsilon's Avatar
Ypsilon Posted: May 26th, 2021 | 8:58 PM
dude i copy this deck i played and now i come back to say its ****ing awesome
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