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Runeterra Deck: Day and Night

By Akira | Updated September 1st, 2020
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Akira September 1st, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.03 Shard Cost: 27,300
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
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Just testing

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Yggaz's Avatar
Yggaz Posted: August 29th, 2020 | 11:02 PM
The deck is VERY strong.
And it's strong part are daylight cards. It's really difficult to play a nightfall card, because everything is so damn expensive :).
Zenith Blade is definitely overpowered. +2/+1 and Overwhelm FOR EVER.
Sun Burst... I never played this card. Never had to kill anything so strong.
And yes, some nexus healing is essential.
Castelias's Avatar
Castelias Posted: August 29th, 2020 | 8:53 AM
If I have only 2 DIanas and LEonas what can add to the deck ?
Akira's Avatar
Akira Posted: August 31st, 2020 | 7:14 AM
Just add another cheap nightfall and daybreak until you have it. But it you will definitely need 3 of them.
CelestialTiefling's Avatar
CelestialTiefling Posted: August 27th, 2020 | 10:06 PM
This is a strong deck, but there is one major weakness 16 or so of your cards are legit over 5 mana. It's really rough for rush down decks, I swapped out one of the Cygnus for a messenger, believe it or not a 1 burst that adds low cost units to help proc the nightfalls is huge. That being said this is the ONLY weakness this deck has. Also had an issue against Demacia massive buffs. Otherwise this deck is good at scaling at the happy medium between super late game godhood Aurelian sol and pretty big scale of trundle.

Again Demacia buff decks and Noxus or early rush decks will just...obliterate the deck.
Akira's Avatar
Akira Posted: August 27th, 2020 | 11:23 PM
You are right. But truth is... I still don't have the cards to use this deck, so I still haven't tested it to make the adjustments. Kkkkkkk

But I will take your advice. Thanks!
CelestialTiefling's Avatar
CelestialTiefling Posted: August 28th, 2020 | 8:10 AM
Oh then I've been play testing this deck HEAVILY for you. So Here are your strongest cards EASILY The Solari cards are your real playmakers.

Sun Burst IS SO GOOD, the main reason is the daylight effect, silencing something FIRST means it negates everything people do including buffs and Rebirths and such. Basically it's a free sport remover for any card with naturally less then 6 hp. Cygnus is GREAT but its weakness it it only works once. It's good for defense if someone SUMMONS an elusive card that round. Otherwise it's only good for a set up intense attack with your other assaults like the crescent guardians. Ultimately this deck is versatile at defending and attacking which is why I feel is a decent deck.

The Messenger fixes the key problem this deck has which is it REALLY needed Fodder cards, to proc nightfall which is your biggest game changes for mid game. They force opponents to take elss then stellar trades. Either with Elusive units free dmg or forcing them to lose units with a 5/3 cresent moon guardian. In a perfect world if this deck could SOMEHOW fit healing in, it would be perfect. Problem is a lot of the healing cards won't benefit the deck too much.

The only thing that comes to mind is Catalyst...but thats a turn of inactivity when Sunburst is just SO GOOD at leveling the playing field. The gist of this deck is to keep a sun burst in hand for all "Problem children". You see a taric? Nuke. you see an ezreal...its better to force a fight then use it. Anything with MEAT you want dead ASAP. You literally just want to make them waste cards. Morning Light is great for offense and defense if they hesitate.

Weakest cards.

Lunari Priestess is good for the invoke, getting the golden sisters is your fool proof plan to turn a game against an opponent thanks to LIFEBLOOD being such a saving grace. Not to mention she gives you a free elusive for defense or annoying offense for your opponent. This deck is amazing at stalling in a way that's unique in my opinion. Is it the best at it? Maybe!? Anyway Priestess is both a good card...and a sucky card because it does require nightfall. And it's actually sometimes hard to get off.

Cygnus. Look i love him for a random burst option or if elusive is nipping at your heels you can just pop him out and scare them off for a turn. Problem is? EXPENSIVE and only 1 turn elusive. Unless you can ensure diana's safety and pop right off for a burst. Basically pop off a morning glory for 2 hp and then use the rest for pale cascade...and somehow afford cygnus, He doesnt give Diana the boost. On the other hand poping him on sun guardian is real nice... An Optimal play is morning glory into Cygnus giving sun guardian elusive that is a BIG FREAKING POP on a nexus if they don't have a counter play. OVERALL THOUGH...I can't justify having more then 2...having two is something im questioning since its so difficult to get nightfall off in this deck.

Nightfall in general. Diana needs 4 procs to get off. then she REALLY pops off with every proc. Using pale cascade to immedeatly nuke a key card or champion on the enemy team is great, problem? Really...really getting her to pop off after that. Using morning light still buffs her and zenith blade also. I wouldn't call that OPTIMAL since it would be a slow buff and most peopel know to pop the moon lady. HOWEVER Diana is fantastic just because she aids offense and defense and she is incredibly easy to get off in this deck.

Not entirely sure yet how to get Diana to be an equal party in here, the nightfall cards are rough without shadow isles and even then you'd have to lose on the incredibly versitile sun deck.

Weakest aspect of this? Oh boy you have NO form of healing so losing trades early game or fighting a rush deck? Will quickly eat away at you. It's hard to come back but not impossible, you just really need to hope your opponent uses resources instead of patiently chipping away at you.

Personally...Since targon has no alliegence cards, I've been curiously looking at Shadow isles cards to balance out a serious lack of night fall procs. Stalking shadows looks interesting for an instant reinforcement of a unit especially with messengers now in the deck and making sure you get a draw proc. Having cards is really good for this deck.
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