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Runeterra Deck: Frozen Shrooms

By Dragonryder124 | Updated April 29th, 2020
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Dragonryder124 April 29th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.83 Shard Cost: 27,500
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Really fun deck buffing Sejuani with shrooms every turn and when she levels up she freezes units at the begining of the turn almost every turn. considering your enemies draw shrooms.of course with teemo you are casting alot of shrooms so you will want to utilize that so star light seer and puffcap peddler will cap on that. Still working to optimize the deck but Ilike what I got so far

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Wind's Avatar
Wind Posted: May 13th, 2020 | 5:53 AM
I don't have 3 sej but 2 so I've changed 1 for braum, it gives some extra survival, mostly early game and I don't really like the mushroom clouds, although I understand why they are there and I might be wrong but have changed them for omen hawk so it gives me some extra early blockers. I'm missing 2 rimefangs which have been substituted by eager apprentice which gives some extra push on early since it's cost is converted to mana. Kinda new and testing the deck yet, but my opinion on it if it can help somehow :)
Wind's Avatar
Wind Posted: May 22nd, 2020 | 3:58 AM
finally got my 3rd sej, but went with some more creatures, not sure if it's due to the way I play but it has helped survive me a bit more, Ruthless raider can put some extra pressure early game and gives some extra nexus damage to level sej up. Also changed the caught in the cold for slash freeze, beeing a burst spell makes it easier to cast and can take people by surprise, also it's cheaper (although health limits it's use).
Manson217's Avatar
Manson217 Posted: May 8th, 2020 | 2:36 PM
Hmmm I'm struggling abit with this deck, drawing a hand full of spells with an archer or a chump, normally dead by round 6 when this happens : /
Cake's Avatar
Cake Posted: May 8th, 2020 | 12:23 PM
Holy cow this is broken!

I'm going to run this deck from now on until they patch it. Gonna exploit this to the best of my abilities! >:D
Skandalious's Avatar
Skandalious Posted: May 2nd, 2020 | 5:55 AM
According to the wording of the Sejuani card it shouldn't o****, as FiresFrost says. So they will probably either fix this (breaking the deck) or change the wording to "when the enemy nexus has been damaged" or something.
Gandolphin's Avatar
Gandolphin Posted: May 3rd, 2020 | 9:03 PM
I've tried the Sejuani x shroomcap combo out and it works. Shroomcaps count towards Sejuani level up
FiresFrost's Avatar
FiresFrost Posted: April 29th, 2020 | 11:25 AM
Does Poison Puffcap damage actually count towards Sejuani's leveling condition?
Its effect reads exactly "Deal 1 to your Nexus" (enemy to their own Nexus), while her leveling condition is "When you've damaged the enemy Nexus in 5 different rounds this game" (you to theirs).
Felorem's Avatar
Felorem Posted: May 1st, 2020 | 12:45 PM
It does count!
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