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Runeterra Deck: Kindasus

By Megtherion | Updated March 19th, 2021
Copy Deck Code
Megtherion March 19th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.23 Shard Cost: 24,400
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
This version of the deck allows you to draw a lot, increasing its consistency.

This deck is made to be versatile so that it wouldn't get annihilated by certain types of decks.

Containing 1 Withering Wail because the deck's main weakness is aggro. I only add 1 of it because having multiple of it sucks a lot when you're not facing aggro decks. Although even when you're not facing aggro, you can use it to kill weaker enemy units so that your Kindred will mark a stronger enemy instead.

Containing 1 Atrocity because it's a great finisher if you manage to draw it, and it's always nice to have it in your hand. Again, I only add 1 of it because it sucks when you hold many copies of it and never get to use it.

Containing 1 Rite of Negation because it can help prevent enemy spells from killing your champions. And again, I only add 1 copy of it since multiple copies sucks if you don't get to use it. (If you don't have one, just add whatever you'd like instead since it's rarely used but it's just nice to have)

Having The Undying on the board can be a great target to slay since it will revive itself next round. And once again, only 1 copy because multiple copies sucks and you need only one of it each turn, really.

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