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Runeterra Deck: Pirates aggro

By Kusanagi_Takeru | Updated October 8th, 2020
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Kusanagi_Takeru October 8th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.83 Shard Cost: 27,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
Whats up guys im RadoZiAnime (currently a master tier player) ,and this is my Pirates aggro deck list.Here i will explain on ,how to play the deck,mulligan and play around certain cards,so if you are interested keep reading.So first of ,you need to know that this is a verry aggressive deck ,and you always wanna win ,as soon as possible.If you play against Zed,Lee Sin ,you always wanna keep cards like:Noxian Fervor ,to dodge the healing of their Dragonlink ,by killing one of you units ,and dealing 3 damage ,to the enemy ,or Petty Officer ,with Make It Rain ,to kill zed at turn 3.Some of the times ,you are just going to ignore their zed ,and push for damage ,as hard as possible ,because if you let them snowball ,you are gonna have a hard time.You have really good match up ,against Elise decks.In this matchup ,you wanna keep a 100% Make It Rain because your opponent ,is going to have a lot of 1hp spiders on the board.You also wanna keep Petty Officer ,and Legion Grenadier to block the fearsome spiders.You also have ,quite good matchup ,against Swain,Tf.Here i recommend saving your Legion Saboteur,Miss fortune,Gangplank,and Brothers bond ,to be able to kill your opponent swain.Be sure to play around TF ,as his red card can be really annoying ,if you have more than two 1hp units.Agaisnt ramp decks like Trundle,Aurelion Sol,or Trundle,Tryndamere ,you want to keep every 1 or 2 drops you can get.MF ,and Imperial Demolitionist are great options ,as you need to play around avalanche.Dont open attack on turn 3 ,and do so on turn 2 ,as then he is able to play the avalanche.And finnally ,if you face mirror MF ,And Make It Rain ,are god tier cards.Now in general ,GP is going to be your powerhouse ,and you will win lots of games by him ,so make sure to proc his ability to level up,by doing damage on the enemy turn ,as well.For example ,you can do Crackshot Corsair turn one,attack and proc GP one time.Then on turn two ,you summon Imperial Demolitionist ,and proc him again.Always save your Noxian Fervor ,until your opponet taps out of mana ,to respond in a good way.And lastly ,only try to go for MF level up ,if you have Island Navigator in hand,otherwise its just not gonna happen.Thanks for reading,hope you enjoyed my deck guide.Follow me on Twitch or YouTube(RadoZiAnime).

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