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Runeterra Deck: Protagonists

By Ash92 | Updated December 26th, 2020
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Ash92 December 26th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.58 Shard Cost: 30,300
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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By far the most fun deck i have played.
Not sure why Ezreal and Yasuo is not a common deck type
Although the Champions them selfs do not have much synergy,
almost every other card in the deck does.

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Ash92's Avatar
Ash92 Posted: December 27th, 2020 | 4:12 PM
Why does Funsmith not power up pre leveled Yasuo's skill!
Before level up its a flat 2 damage and afterwards its a "Strike"
makes no sence to me, possible bug?

Having Yasou deal 3 damage pre level is huge and allow him to take out most early threats.
Considering the rest of the deck would benefit greatly from this, its a shame.
FiresFrost's Avatar
FiresFrost Posted: January 1st, 2021 | 6:03 AM
Hi again, Ash92.

Funsmith's card text says "All of your spells and skills deal 1 extra damage". Both Yasuo and Leveled Yasuo's card texts are not skills, that's why Funsmith doesn't power up Yasuo.

It's not a bug, but is annoying and quite weird indeed.
Ash92's Avatar
Ash92 Posted: January 1st, 2021 | 11:47 AM
Thank you
dibstheinfamous's Avatar
dibstheinfamous Posted: December 23rd, 2020 | 4:21 PM
So I built the deck. Keep in mind that I've only been playing this game for about 3 weeks now. The deck is great. Even for a beginner like me can understand it. I did swap some cards out though. I felt like mana use was a lingering problem I found myself most of the time using the deck.

Not sure how to add card links in this text so I'll explain what I changed.

I added 2 Eager Apprentice so make keep me stocked up on mana while I kept abusing mystic shots.

I dropped Eye of the dragon and Fae Bladetwirler down to 2/ea (They're both good cards, but I never saw myself using them much.

Added Greenglade Duo for more elusive atks

Reduced Retreat to 2 (may put it back to 3 since I've been using it more lately)

Added Greenglade Elder to enhance yasuo and ezreal when they come out. They're points always been annoying for me, So I want to compensate something for them.

Added another Deny because why not run more than 1 when you're making sure your mana is maintained the whole time.

Dropped Trueshot Barrage down to 2. It's a great spell....but it was late game territory most of the time I was using it and I always found myself choosing between using that card or Yone/Minah.

I'm still kinda changing things around in the deck to make it feel more consistent in any time of the match, but I really wanted to say that I love this deck a lot. The whole concept of it is actually fun.
Ash92's Avatar
Ash92 Posted: December 26th, 2020 | 5:39 AM
I see what you are doing by creating a win condition from some direct dmg, i don't believe Greenglade Elder is worth it though.
I agree about Eye of the Dragon and Fae, they was honestly only there for the meme part as i consider them to be "Protagonists"
Also i only ran 1 Deny because i had x3 Retreat and i only had x3 Retreat because of The Eye of the dragon :D

I played around this a fair bit, and the way i see to improve this is to focus on Card drawing
because as long as you have Ezreal or Yasuo down it runs well, like Rummage and Augmented Expimenter.
I also need to update Aftershock into this.
dibstheinfamous's Avatar
dibstheinfamous Posted: December 27th, 2020 | 1:53 PM
What would you take out to add Aftershock and how much? I want to further make this deck good too~
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dibstheinfamous's Avatar
dibstheinfamous Posted: December 26th, 2020 | 10:28 PM
I see what you're saying. I'm now running into that problem using greenglade elder and now thinking about taking him out.
FiresFrost's Avatar
FiresFrost Posted: December 7th, 2020 | 4:25 AM
Have you thought about adding one or more copies of Dragon's Rage into the deck?

It is a slow and high-mana cost spell, that's true, but I think it could synergize with both Yasuo and Ezreal.
Ash92's Avatar
Ash92 Posted: December 8th, 2020 | 5:21 PM
Yes! I did, and i still am
Although currently i am happy with this against the deck's iv been facing
however ill certainly be playing around with that card
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