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Runeterra Deck: SilverStorm's Sivirina

By SilverStorm | Updated April 17th, 2021
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SilverStorm April 17th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.25 Shard Cost: 26,900
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Mid-Range Deck that focuses on building a board and finishing the opponent off by placing Overwhelm onto leveled up Sivir.

Sivir and Katarina are two of my favorite champs, and it's high time they got a chance to shine. This is a fun deck that I've been having a lot of success with. Focus on trading well with the opponent's units using Quick Attack and Vulnerable to create tempo, while keeping your own units alive for a final salvo in the mid-game. Once you have a few units on the board, go all out with Sivir (and preferably give her Overwhelm to spread to everyone) on board to end the game. Katarina keeps up the tempo by allowing multiple attacks or for a surprise attack on the enemy's turn.

A few non-intuitive tips:

This deck LIVES and breathes off of having units on the board. It can be worth it in the long run to use Sharpened Resolve or Shaped Stone just to save a unit from removal, even if they only have 1 hp left.

You'll need to use your Nexus HP as a resource too. Since our main priority is keeping our units alive, we tend to take some heavy hits to the face to avoid blocking. You'll have to gauge how much damage you can take vs. when you can afford to lose a unit.

Despite her low-cost, it's rare that you want to play Katarina in the early game, as she can be a big loss in tempo even if she strikes. Unless her dagger can swing some serious tempo by killing something with 1 hp, she's better as a mid-game play for pressure once you have a board.

Brutal Hunter is a great target for Ancient Hourglass! She gets quick attack every time she's summoned. Against aggro decks, a good combo is to attack, block with her next turn and hourglass her during combat, then attack next turn too, as she'll have quick attack again.

Attacking with Legion Marauders is typically great for this deck. Opponents will play around Rock Hopper by playing weak units to take the vulnerable proc, and these make great targets for a free Marauder attack/proc while keeping the Marauder alive. (Also contributes to our Sivir level up!)

Baccai SandSpinner is great for disabling Zoe in particular. If she has 0 attack, she won't proc her Nexus Strike even if no one is blocking her.

Frostbite is this deck's worst nightmare. Against Freljord, Spell Shield units are your best friend, and make sure to have an attack buff or two in hand before going for meaty trades.

Culling Strike is great against Lissandra, Thresh, etc, but mulligan it if there's not a specific target for it.

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