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Runeterra Deck: Taliyah also wants to ascend!

By Niorfyallar | Updated March 19th, 2021
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Niorfyallar March 19th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.3 Shard Cost: 28,800
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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This deck needs some finetuning but actually it works good for me.

You can get your sun disc set up at several ways with this deck but this is not your main focus.

Here are 4 ways for your disc:
1. You can reach it the normal way with two ascendet champs... REALY?!
--X1-- 2. You can play a second burried disc so you ascendet champ can skip 20 turns solo --X1--
--X1-- 3. You can duplicate you disct with Taliyah also skip 20 turns with one champ --X1--
4. You can use Azir and Nassus with "Ascended's Rise" and skip 20 turns.

For ways 2 and 3 you will have 1 burried disc left on the field wich you can transform to a "Grumpy Rockbear" with "Desert Naturalist."

Taliyah will be you overall midgame push to win the game or to reach the ascendancy for game against Controll decks.

Overall you focus is your Taliyah but your opponent will focus to keep you away from ascendancy ;)

Tip for two Taliyahs in your hand:
You can also push your opponent by having a Taliyah on your side, transforming her in a Landmark with "Ancient Hourglass" and duplicate this Landmark by playing her again. After this move you will have 3 Taliyahs at the start of the next turn and in most cases you do this she will be lvl2 and you can deal a lot of damage.

I use "Devoted Council" for better sustain. If you want to play faster you can change them against any card with "Predict" affix so you can set up your combos much easier.

Its my first Deck guid so if you have tips or recommendations what can be done better please let me know.

Editnote 1.1 (19.03.2021): Since the last fix the usage of 2 Sundiscs changes so you can'T sikp 20 turns with a single ascendent. With this in minde way 2 and 3 to evolve your disc are outdated. (marked with --X1--)
Based on this i changed some cards and will do some test games.
Changes will be always be noted like this first one.

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mastermuramasa's Avatar
mastermuramasa Posted: March 22nd, 2021 | 3:38 AM
The bug with sundisc x2 doesn't work anymore
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