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Runeterra Deck: Wind of (Spell) Change

By Krauzel | Updated May 12th, 2020
Copy Deck Code
Krauzel May 12th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.23 Shard Cost: 20,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information

This is a fun deck, don't expect to have a high win rate because, as far as I know, this one hasn't been tested against meta decks.

Why this deck?
I used to play a lot with Yogg-Saron in Hearthstone and somehow I loved the random spell stuff. Here you will have more control of the spells but you will have to pay for each one you cast.

The deck:

The objective is to survive and reach 10 mana to cast random spells with enlightened Karma or punish with Feral Mystics and Emerald Awakener.

Yasuo, Steel Tempest and Will of Ionia will be your early/mid game CC while Yone and Minah will be useful in late game.

Wyrding Stones and Catalyst of Aeons will help you reach 10 mana faster.
You can also use Catalyst with enlightened Karma to heal your nexus 6 instead of 3.

Shadow Assasin and Avarosan Sentry will help you to find whatever you are trying to draw, like Entreat or Insight of Ages.

Navori Conspirator will help to do extra buffing by recalling Inspiring Mentor or Omen Hawk.

Dawn and Dusk...
The point of this card is to use it once you have 10 mana, this way you'll get four ephemeral copies.
Using it on Karma will trigger every spell four extra times, combining this with Twin Disciplines will give a follower/champion +18/+0 or +0/+18.


You can use Cloud Drinker and Battle Fury with the "Karma & Dawn and Dusk combo" to give a follower/champion +48/+24. On the other hand you can add Winter's Breath for some extra CC but be aware that Winter's Breath will be useful only after you evolve Karma.


As I said before, this is a fun deck, don't expect a high win rate but expect to get frustrated because RNG might give you useless spells the whole match.
On the other you can get lucky and turn around a lost game. For example: Your nexus is at 6HP, enemie's at 20HP, and you win by a single blow of a 22ATK Yone, or you are overwhelmed by enemy followers/champions and Insight of Ages gives you Winter's Breath.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading and rating.

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