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Runeterra Deck: Woman Before the Rising Sun - Jhin/Leona Midrange

By FloatsingAway | Updated June 11th, 2022
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FloatsingAway June 11th, 2022
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.93 Shard Cost: 23,800
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
This midrange deck revolves around Jhin, Leona, and a little bit of invoke tomfoolery.

The general gameplan is quite simple, use the Daybreak package to control the board in the early game, relatively easy to do with proper timing and an understanding of the enemy decklist. Around the mid-game is where the deck starts to shine, with a levelled Leona controlling the opponent's board, some key choices generated from your invoke/manifest cards, and eventually a levelled Jhin, you are free to begin shutting down the opponent's board and wearing them down over time.

Now to go over some specific card choices:

Targonian Tellstones:
I'm sure some people are seeing this card and immediately questioning it, fair enough it isn't the most incredible card. However, it does hold a unique position in this deck as a card that can generate two of the cheapest slow speed spells available in Targon AS WELL as protection for your champions at burst speed. As many slow spells as possible are necessary for levelling Jhin in a timely manner. Not to mention, both Wish and Paddle Star are situationally useful (Paddle Star especially considering the amount of stun in this deck). If you still aren't convinced, Shield Vault is also there and is probably just as good.

Loping Telescope:
It's just good, let's be honest. The ability to generate something from three different sources and possibly get a perfect card for the matchup is almost too good to refuse. However it isn't perfect, especially if you are interested in building a strong board quickly. Possible replacements include Arachnoid Sentry (for more stuns and a faster Jhin level up), Doombeast (for a more aggressive gameplan), Hush (For Hush), or Lunari Priestess (If you would prefer a smaller field of options to generate). Personally, I use it for my own personal taste.

Zenith Blade:
This is an obvious must-include choice in this deck. I cannot begin to sing this card's praise more. Jhin is a perfect target for this, as a common tactic when against him is blocking with the minion that is going to be stunned when he attacks - Zenith Blade covers that. Not to mention, your champions are very important and need to not die when they attack - Zenith Blade covers that. Also it helps a lot to have consistent Daybreak cards for Leona to continue stunning things - Zenith. Blade. Covers. That. There are no options to replace this card with.

Aggro decks? Get the heck outta here, I heal your damage. Other midrange decks? I am generating giant, untouchable dragons! Control decks? I concede. Jokes aside this is a pretty useful card. Pretty interchangeable with Rahvun if it suits you but personally I think the combined healing and card generation makes this a must-have.

Alright I think that's it. Enjoy, it's yours my friends.

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