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Runeterra Deck: Yasuo / Zed

By Pastoulieu | Updated May 27th, 2021
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Pastoulieu May 27th, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.4 Shard Cost: 28,100
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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Deck Details & Information
This deck has a flexible play style. It can be aggressive or control. You have to know your opponent's deck and be aware of its threats so your Yasuo will survive. Your win condition depends on the enemy deck, but Yasuo should be kept alive as much as possible for control. However, you may sacrifice Yasuo if the opponent is using 2 or more cards just to remove him.

Be patient, observe your enemy, and find the right timing.

General tips:

1. Do not worry about being mana efficient. Sometimes you will have to end your turn with a lot of mana remaining to deny your opponent from wiping you out.

2. Do not rush to deploy Yasuo, instead find the proper timing so your opponent cannot get rid of Yasuo easily. Use your recalls smartly

3. Zed should be used for aggro and getting favorable trades so do not worry if he dies. Try to win trades as much as you can so you can get the card advantage.

Mulligans: Keep Zed, Dancing Droplet, Retreat, and Yasuo.
Situational: Keep Claws of the Dragon, Homecoming.

We will now go into the unique synergies of this deck before we dive into specific matchups:

Synergy 1: Turn 1, Dancing Droplet. Turn 2, Retreat on Dancing Droplet. You draw 1. Then use Return to summon Zed. If you have Claws of the Dragon on hand, it will summon those too. If you have the attack token, you can deal great damage at turn 2/3.

Synergy 2: Use Retreat on Dancing Droplet. Use Return on Shadow Assassin. You draw 2.

Synergy 3: Use Homecoming on Dancing Droplet and an enemy attacker. You draw 1, remove the enemy attacker or kill it if the its health is low, and advance Yasuo's quest by 2.



Irelia / Azir: Keep Dancing Droplet, Zed, Retreat, and Claws of the Dragon. You must be aggressive early game and out-aggro the opponent before they can set up. Use Spitfire to defend and kill Irelia. You may sacrifice your nexus health when necessary. Prioritize having more followers in your side than the opponent so they will forced to defend.

Alissandra: Again go for Synergy 1. Note that you can use Homecoming to recall their structures. You must win this early game or mid game. If it drags to late game, use Minah Swiftfoot or Singular Will to get rid of threats.

Thresh / Nasus: Do not let them get the card advantage. Deny them draws and kill their minions with your Zed. Be careful with Black Spear because it can easily kill your Yasuo. If you see they have 3 mana left, do not drop Yasuo.

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