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Sion : Legends of Runeterra Card

Sion is a Champion card in Legends of Runeterra from the Noxus region. You can find all Legends of Runeterra cards on RuneterraFire.

Sion Card Card Artist: SIXMOREVODKA Leveled Sion Card Leveled Up
Set 5
3,000 Shards
Attack: 2 Health: 6 Mana: 7
Overwhelm Excess damage I deal to my blocker is dealt to the enemy Nexus.

Card Text

When I'm discarded, grant your strongest ally Overwhelm and place me into your deck. I have +1|+0 for each card you've discarded this game (Max +7|+0).

Sion's Roar of the Slayer Card Spell

Sion's Roar of the Slayer

To play, discard 1. Kill the weakest enemy. Create a Sion in your deck.

Flavor Text

Sion glimpsed fleeting flashes of opaque memories. Legions standing before him. Accolades. Crowns. War. A king's deathrattle. The Great Nothing. Blood. But just as soon as they floated by, they floated past, pale ribbons in the wind.

Decks with Sion Card Discussion

Want to try out the Sion card in a deck? Find the perfect Sion Deck for you! Learn how to play Sion with our Noxus decks.

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