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Runeterra Deck: Nami + Lux Draw-Go [PRIMER]

By ParfumBabe | Updated September 3rd, 2021
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ParfumBabe September 3rd, 2021
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 4.03 Shard Cost: 32,000
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Nami and her supporting cards absolutely break Lux in draw-go. Draw-go means you pass your first two turns every game so you have 3 spell mana and 3 standard mana. Generally you should be able to hold the board with that given the card selection for 3-drops. Naturally, you will want to mulligan out anything that isn't one of your many 3-drops (including ebb, since ebb is a late-game spell anyway). Additionally, Nami provides added benefit in this archetype because she wants your spell mana to fill up so she can level. This strat makes it certain that Nami only takes 3 more spell mana then one attune cast (could be herself) to level.

In the mid game, it's generally best with this deck to try to pass with at least some roll-over mana if you can, even if that means taking just a little bit of extra damage since you can heal it back later anyway (Radiant Guardian, Ebb / Flow / Ebb and Flow which should all be cast on the same turn for big value). My favorite turn 3 play is Double Trouble to clear the spell mana, then bubble bear to add one through attune to help Nami level up. I would only play Nami turn 3 if you have no other option; this deck wants Nami to enter the battlefield leveled up. Remembrance is a good backup option on turn 3 as well.

I will let the late game speak for itself. I've never had so much fun proccing Lux and Nami together 6+ times in a single turn. Avatar of the Tides makes this possible and provides a lot of safety for both of the champions and allows us to resolve unyielding spirit incredibly easily. It feels like better Karma, especially because it goes online earlier than turn 10.

EDIT: dropped succession for double trouble, which is strictly better but does the same job

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BokBaguk's Avatar
BokBaguk Posted: February 19th, 2022 | 8:41 AM
This deck is so much fun! The combos are insane. The enemy never sees it coming. Thanks for sharing :))
Lone Pine's Avatar
Lone Pine Posted: September 14th, 2021 | 4:44 PM
A fun deck when it hits. Won't beat out meta decks most of the time but I really enjoy playing it.
terencetrn's Avatar
terencetrn Posted: September 10th, 2021 | 8:01 AM
This deck is just weak and useless, there is not enough damage to sustain through the first rounds. Units are at higher price and spells are pretty much wasted if you don't have more than 6 mana. Worst deck to go for.
DontEatSmurfs's Avatar
DontEatSmurfs Posted: September 2nd, 2021 | 7:09 AM
any deck with indirect dmg will beat this one, never saw it working unless you are playing against begginer decks, too slow to beat rush meta and too slow to beat land meta, in order for it work you have to pray to God for 6 mana+ and to have lux or nami in hand at the same time, unless you are already destroying your oponent with plenty of chance to win the game already this is a HIGHLY combo oriented deck with pretty much really late game setup in a game where everyone is using decks that fill the board by turn 3, you really need that GODHAND to win, besides all that, its pretty fun when it works but there is just too many ways to deal with lux and nami in the early - mid and late game, you really want to play this for fun if you dont care about losing, forgot to add the new mech if you are playing against prank decks they will pretty much shutdown your spells breaking the combo
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