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Runeterra Deck: A somewhat working Vlad deck

By Shadowpunk | Updated February 12th, 2020
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Shadowpunk February 12th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.35 Shard Cost: 27,900
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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0 0 0 0 0
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A lot of combos to cover so lets get this started.
A jack of all trades deck that can control the start of the match and finish the game with "Scarmother".

The dream opener is have "Legion Drumer" with another "challenger" unit...and buff them with "Bloodsworn Pledge"
This...will control the entirety of the start of the match...but only happens sometimes.

"Rimefang wolf" is an amazing challenger unit in this deck.

"Babbling Bjerg" will help you to not run out of steam and pull amaing cards like "Vladimir", "Ashe" and "Trifarian Gloryseeker"

"Crimson Disciple" is there in hopes it gets buffed 0/+3 at the start of the match and deal at least 4 damage to the nexus or more. Only 2 copies are necessary.

"Ashe's" ultimate ability, "the arrow" will help you finish the game...but it will probably get denied by Ionian decks because is literally your only thing that can get denied.
The only other thing that can get denied is "Vladimir" passive ability...but you have the BURST spell "Transfusion" to also trigger "Scarmother".

"Transfusion" can also help you save several units at the start of the game, against spells.

Almost every single unit is useful to use the spell "MIGHT" on.

Against other slow decks you can only play weak followers once you have enough mana to "cover them" with "Bloodsworn Pledge"
If you dont have the buff...just play cards and hope they dont get removed by spells.

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NinjaWithSpoons's Avatar
NinjaWithSpoons Posted: March 7th, 2020 | 12:15 PM
I admittedly have not tried this deck, but it looks like its trying to do to much at once. You have freeze and quick attack, which don't have synergy (why not play more frostbite to go with Ashe, Rimefang and GlorySeeker and provide basically the same effect?). You have some pings cards but also 6 units that only have 1 hp and only 2 that combos directly with it. You have Babbling Bjerg but he doesn't give you your only 6 drop. Do you feel that play with this deck is consistent, or do you sometimes have the cards that don't work as well together?
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