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Runeterra Deck: The Undying Stall

By LuxIsMyCrush | Updated January 25th, 2020
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LuxIsMyCrush January 25th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.35 Shard Cost: 26,000
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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For those not familiar with the term of either "stall" or "burn", it is a strategy, mostly knowed in yugioh but I think it have their variations in any cards game with maybe different terms, and as you may guess, it is based by slowying down the game as much as possible and passively inflicting damage on enemy .. or just summon the most annoying units possible and made him rage quit.
The Undying Card
Phantom Prankster Card
Chronicler of Ruin Card

I can't say I'm really expert in LoR so this may not be the final version of the deck I'm going to show you, but right now it's relative decent and have a clear identity.

To not take more time with useless information I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to know and the combos.

First let's start with the card you want in starting hand, those would be The Undying and Phantom Prankster, get any of them early and your life will become much easier.

Phantom Prankster is especially good because of his burn effect everytime a unit you own is destroyed, and as you would expect from a shadow island unit, it does not have any restriction on how it must be destroyed, so you can just throw your units into battle or cast some stupid **** on them and you get the damage, this of course will take some time, but that's why I gived you some nice spells and units to make the job much easier, The Unying is most important tho, but to name few I will start with what I think is the third most important card in this deck Chronicler of Ruin, which will kill a unit and instantly revive it, I will mention later some cool combos with that particular mechanic, other nice cards are Vile Feast which doesn't make to much if you think about it but afterall it's a free 1HP for your nexus and a wall unit (that spider) to block some damage, if you have Prankster already then that spider is also a bomb.

Glimpse Beyond is also an extremly good card for this deck, as it destroy your units and draw cards, ideally you will want to use it during enemy turn to kill The Undying, as he anyway can't block damage, or another cool trick, if an enemy have overhelming put a weak monster to defend against him and chain Glimpse Beyond on it, enemy unit will end to not attack anything and in consequince deal no damage.

The Undying alone is a great unit because it can continue to attack an die with no end, his death will only make it more powerful, so feel free to chase it into any enemies, you have only to win from that. The only bad part that card have it's that he can't block attacks, but that's why we have an army of spiders in the deck, with things like Brood Awakening, Hapless Aristocrat and so on we will have a lot of free units on field to block enemy attacks, and if prankster is there too .. you know already.

Anyway, I was gonna tell you a cool mechanic right, ok so listen there if you summon Chronicler of Ruin and kill The Undying you will get 2 The Undying (don't ask why or how, i have no idea, so far I think is a bug but I will treat is asa feature), so why it acts like that? Well it's because Chronicler kill and revive, so he will instantly revive the undying, but the undying will also revive himself at the start of new round, so yeah, you get infinite the undying with that formula.

So I think I already explained spiders part, Zed is the same tho, you want to spam units and kill them. The only unit you really must keep alive is the Prankster, even stack him if you can.

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