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Runeterra Deck: Hecarim Ephemeral mid-late game aggro

By schwarz188 | Updated October 7th, 2020
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schwarz188 October 7th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 2.58 Shard Cost: 15,900
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Deck Details & Information
A player phase oriented Hecarim deck.

One champ only to accommodate more spells and follower cards.

Hecarim: Spawns ephemerals for offensive purposes or nexus burning with Phantom Prankster.
Fading Memories: Creates copies of cards such as Brightsteel Protector for a barrier upon playing it, or ephemeral initiator to pull in Shark Chariots.
Sapling Toss: Very cheap spell, summones an ephemeral challenger unit in the next turn. Can be used to snipe problematic units with challenger or initiator to pull in Shark Chariots.
Warden's Prey: Generally defensive card used for stalling, low mana cost. Creates another last breath card in hand to stall further.
Brightsteel Protector: Solid statline or early and midgame, and provides barriers for units.
Haunted Relic: Can be use offensively or defensively. Solid low mana cost spell.
Shark Chariot: Improves offensive capabilities and synchronizes well with Hecarim's skill. Also a great investment as they return whenever attacking with an ephemeral unit.
Soul Shepherd: +1|+1 buffs to ephemerals. Small mana cost for a fairly nice buff for ephemeral units.
Stalking Shadows: Low mana cost to increase unit cards in hand. Also gives an ephemeral copy of units to pull in Shark Chariots.
Iron Harbinger: Can stack attack power with more ephemerals. Can be played around barriers to help it stay in the board long enough to reach very nice attack power values.
Phantom Prankster: Nexus burning with ephemerals.
Prismatic Barrier: Provides barriers, mainly to protect Hecarim or Iron Harbinger when attacking.
Relentless Pursuit: Great with Hecarim in the board. Lets you potentially spawn all those Spectral Riders and Shark Chariots again after the opponent has exhausted blocking units or mana to cast interrupting spells. Plus, more ephemerals means more damage from Prankster.
The Rekindler: The insurance card of the deck. Just one needed due to it's high mana cost.

tl;dr: Spawn Shark Chariots, build Iron Harbinger's power, play Hecarim and protect units with barriers, prankster deals nexus damage, and finally rally to multiply Hecarim's offensive capabilities in a turn.

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