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Runeterra Deck: Icy Heimerdinger v2

By jazz2195 | Updated May 5th, 2020
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jazz2195 May 5th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.53 Shard Cost: 28,500
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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An updated version of my Freljord take on Heimerdinger. Frostbite works wonders in early control, more so if you get Ashe to level up and play her on turn 5 or 6. Don't be afraid to get damaged but try to keep yourself healthy before you put down the Heimer. Bait removal spells on Ashe as she is NOT your winning condition. She could help, but you'd rather have a Heimer providing you value off of your spells rather than Ashe. His turrets are better on both offense and defense, and since you spell-sling a lot, you won't run out of them.

Some tips for matchups:
1. Aggro (Noxus Face/ Spiders/ Elusive/ Scout) - try to mulligan for Avalance and removal spells. Icevale Archer is also good to find since you stop a creature from attacking and then block with it. On turn 3, except spiders, your opponent would just have 1 or 2 creatures anyway. Corina will just melt them on Turn 9 so if you can keep yourself alive, then they should run out of gas while you have a wide board.

2. Midrange (Bannerman/ Ephemereal/ Gangplank/ Sejuani/ Swain/ Braum/ Stuns) - mulligan for Thermogenic Beam. The earlier you have this card the better. Snipe their Garens and Braums, then just play reactively. If you're lucky to survive till the late game, it's going to be tough to keep them at bay with creatures clearly bigger than yours but keep on the defense, and if there is an opportunity to clear the board like a Harsh Winds/ Winter's Breath combo or Corina/Avalanche combo then do it even if it means killing your own units. Watch out though! Before you do this, make sure the opponent has almost no cards in hand so they cannot respond to your play.

3. Control (Ionia Deny/ PnZ Removal/ Noxus Damage/ Bilgewater Removal/ Karma-Ezreal) - mulligan for removal, like as much as possible. Control decks in LoR is actually tempo, so they would remove your stuff while they put their stuff on the board. If you can keep yourself healthy in the early game, then you should have a better time since even though both of you rely on late game plays, your spells are mostly burst + your Heimer just provides more value. And please Thermogenic Beam the Karma.

Your worst matchups are Deep and bad draws. Deep is arguably the best late game deck right now and there is no way to actually live through that. They can be deep as early as Turn 8 and just pray to God they don't have a Nautilus by then. Bad draws can f you in this deck a lot but just being reactive and analyzing the board, I was able to comeback from <5 HP in this deck.

Good luck out there!

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