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Runeterra Deck: Kalista & Friends Reborn v2

By nickn0me | Updated June 8th, 2020
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nickn0me June 8th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.35 Shard Cost: 26,600
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Making Kalista Work! :)
Kalista is undoubtedly one of my favourite Champs in LoR; so much so at some point I even had 3 in the deck! that may be still the best approach, but I don't tend to play Kalista in early turns.

The core strategy is slowly build the ephemerals. Mulligan hard to get the Shark Chariot as that is an important piece of the deck. And always keep Glimpse Beyond as we need the extra cards. No one drops as I don't see sufficient value even in 'Hapless Aristocrat'. We don't worry much our creatures die, as we can hopefully always refill even if just for a turn. Where this deck approach makes a difference is with 'Darkwater Scourge' and must 3 of! We will take damage early turns and this is the card to put us back on track. More importantly is the highest power follower (for Kalista) so it is not all that unlikely to get to use Death Mark in it.
The deck loses a bit of consistency with the 4 Ionia cards - see Wraithcaller as the MVP against creature heavy decks - but I reckon the value in them it still worth it. May consider taking one Zed for one Kalista but currently experimenting with this. Zed is important because he can trigger the Sharks ;)

I reckon current meta has plenty Frostbite, but I managed to pull some wins against it too. Where we lose in not protecting our Allies (see Zed, and the opponent doesn't know about it!), we gain in removal. I believe in the amount of removal is appropriate since we will keep on being behind on creatures.

Hecarim is 2-of but not as used. most often he will attack alone (hoping with at least one Soul Shepherd in play) and bring a few sharks too. this is effectively your 1-turn win (as you don't need to take all 20 in that turn - we hope - later in those turns).

Update 2: removed Ledros; 'The Undying'; Chronicler of Ruin; Atrocity. Added: Warden't Prey; Blighted Caretaker; Neverglade Collector. With this build we focus solely on the Ephemeral approach and some 1 drop fodder that does creature when we may need to Sac. This is more consistent and Neverglade is almost a win con on its own.
on mulligan notes, i almost always (unless aggro) keep a Ruination in hand. knowing you have it you can play around it so easily and now more ways to gain life.

What do you think? See you on the battlefield!


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