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Runeterra Deck: The Mist Only Grows

By Loco_Oro | Updated December 15th, 2020
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Loco_Oro December 15th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.1 Shard Cost: 17,800
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Deck Details & Information
Welcome to the new and revamped Mistwraith Deck! Since using this deck I've found that its largest weakness was the lack of any good starts, leaving you vulnerable to almost any deck during the early game. This revamped deck looks to better cover its early game with the help of Elise and her spiders! However, the main win condition should still be centered around building up high attack stat Mistwraiths through the use of the many spell and unit tools.

Spells You Should Use to Duplicate MistWraith:

-Stalking Shadows
-Mist's Call
-Risen Mists

Units You Can Use to Duplicate Mistwraith:

-Chronicler of Ruin

Other Spells in This Deck:

-Atrocity: Use this on Mistwraith once you can summon units with 9+ power to close out games

Here are a few tips I've found to help with this deck:

-Thanks to Risen Mists being a burst spell, you can use this to summon an immediate blocker, even after the enemy has declared their attack

- Nocturne and Frenzied Skitter are in this deck to provide strong attacking turns once you have some more powerful Mistwraiths

-Try and maintain three spell mana as often as you can as this deck is very spell reliant in order to maximize Mistwraith's power stat

And I think that's it! Please keep in mind that this deck is not very competitively viable as it suffers from aggro decks (A pretty common deck type in the current meta) as well as ramp decks if they can get the proper setup. However, I still think Mistwraith is a pretty fun card and is the reason I wanted to make a deck around it's summoning ability. Hopefully you guys will at least give this deck a quick try and have as much fun as I do playing it. Feedback is also very welcome! I'm sure this deck is far from perfect, but please offer suggestions if you have any!

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