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Runeterra Deck: Splinter Egg Control

By The PaIe King | Updated June 4th, 2020
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The PaIe King June 4th, 2020
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0
Avg. Mana Cost: 3.3 Shard Cost: 23,200
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 12 8 4 0


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Deck Details & Information
This deck looks to stall until enlightenment by flooding the board with Kalista's or Anivias.

Using Wyrd Stones and Catalyst to ramp and stall.
Haunted Relic is used to flip Kalista early and get her copying Omen Hawks, Avarosan Sentry, and Rekindlers to make more kalistas or anivias. Sometimes the relic seconds as a blocker/aggro creator when you get a dead hand. Feral Mystic can get hit by Omen hawek and stomp early, or copied by kalista as a 6/6 overwhelm late game.
Splinter Soul and Mist's call act as recursion for Kalista and copy's Anivia outright. Splinter and Call can be used on things like Omen Hawk and Sentry earlier to generate early value.
Your main denial is the frostbite effects and black spears. Typically you want the opponent to waste all their removal on Kalista early. You usually only need 2 Anvias or Kalistas on the board to generate a lock.

Struggles against burn. Catalyst has helped a lot in that match up.

Still testing, any suggestions will help.
Things I have tried.
I tried both Ionia and Demacia instead of Shadow Isles and it just wasn't enough support.
I tried an enduring spider shell with elise instead of Kalista and Kalista had better synergy.
Witering wail instead of avalanche could be a possibility.
I have considered adding an entreat or two to lower the chances of getting screwed by RNG and not getting Kali or Anivia.
I tried a Scribe of Sorrows shell and didn't have much success because of the RNG element.

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nickn0me's Avatar
nickn0me Posted: June 4th, 2020 | 3:20 AM
hey there! any Kalista will always get a +1 from me :) I played Anivia a couple of times and she just feels so slow. it is a good house for her here!
i feel you may have a few too many splinter souls, and since you have so much ephemeral going I can understand the life gains. Have you considered Grasp of the Undying? even if it doesn't kill the creature it tends to still give you the 3 health - and I believe an upgrade to Catalyst.
I also think you could do with at least one 'The Ruination' - I get a feeling this will struggle against some midrange.
Have a look at my approach to Kalista if you get the chance? :)
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