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Legends of Runeterra Articles, News, & Guides

Find informative Legends of Runeterra guides that will quickly get you playing LoR if you are new to Legends of Runeterra. If you're already a LoR pro you can still find deck lists for the current meta, articles, and news that will keep your Legends of Runeterra experience fresh and give you something new to try out in-game! You can also find our list of all Legends of Runeterra decks and our list of all Legends of Runeterra cards as part of RuneterraFire's LoR resources.

Noxus/Demacia Aggro Deck Guide

March 27th, 2020 | jscaliseok

New nerfs. New decks. Legends of Runeterra has just seen it's second balance patch, and it shakes up the meta in a big way. While the top lists and archetypes are still in positions of power, they don't have quite the same hold they've had over the past few weeks. To take advantage of the new...

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Share Your Favourite Deck Winners!

March 25th, 2020 | Hades4u

We are happy to announce the winners of the Share Your Favourite Deck Giveaway! :) Every winner will have the choice between a Steam Wallet, RP Code or Riot Prepaid Card (NA only) of $10 USD value. Check out the list below to see if you're one of them! *fingers crossed* RuneterraFire...

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Share Your Favourite Deck Giveaway!

March 17th, 2020 | Hades4u

Welcome to our first giveaway event where anyone can participate and have the chance to win some goodies of their choice! For the following week (17th - 24th March PST) you can enter this giveaway by following the instructions below. There will be 15 winners for each registration method that...

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Post Patch Discard Aggro - Deck Guide

February 24th, 2020 | jscaliseok

It's a brand new world. LoR just received its first balance patch, and oh boy, was it a doozy. Many changes have come to the meta, mainly nerfing elusive and control decks, which leaves it wide open for new builds. However, we're not here to discuss the changes themselves. We're here to figure out...

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Frostbite Midrange Deck Guide (Freljord / Noxus)

February 18th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Legends of Runeterra is ever-evolving. While spiders and elusives dominated the early days of open beta, we've gone far beyond that point. There are many different midrange builds popping up all over ladder that, rather than swarm the early board, choose to power out strong units at all stages of...

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Championless Tempo (Demacia / Ionia) Deck Guide

February 6th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Legends of Runeterra has been out for a few weeks now, and the overall meta is just starting to take shape. Though elusives and Shadow Isles took over at the start, many different regions and builds have risen to the top. A range of players have hit Master with unique decks, and this week's list,...

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Ezreal Spell Control Deck Guide - P&Z / Noxus

January 30th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Legends of Runeterra is a game built around units. However, just because some people play on the board doesn't mean you have to. There are many ways to deck build in the game, and forgoing the traditional "play a unit and attack" model is one of them. This article, which kicks off a...

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LoR Expeditions Drafting Guide

January 17th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Putting together an Expedition Deck in Legends of Runeterra is no easy task. Not only do you not know what you're going to get, but you never know what you're going to come up against. However, there is still a lot of skill built into the mode if you know how to pick and replace cards. The...

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Guide to Every LoR Champion

January 16th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Every region in Legends of Runeterra has four champions. Each deck can have six champion cards in it, but they cannot have more than three of a single champion. Most builds use two champions (with three of each card) but some have mix-and-match three champions, while others choose to have less than...

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LoR Region Breakdown & Playstyle Guide

January 15th, 2020 | jscaliseok

Legends of Runeterra is split up into six different regions, each with its unique champions, spells, units, and abilities. When building a deck, you can use cards from a single one, or blend two together. As such, it helps to know how each one operates and what playstyles they offer. Rather than...

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